Be Prepared Before you Travel! Know the Bugs You're Up Against!
Traveling to foreign lands is an adventure most people hope to accomplish during their lifetime. Did you know recent figures indicate there are 1.4 Billion insects per person on the planet? Although they are a necessary part of our world its also important to know and understand the risks and disease some of them carry and what precautions to take while traveling to foreign areas. If you are traveling to tropical and warm weather countries you will likely be warned of some types of bugs and diseases you may encounter. Most insect bites will result in itching, swelling, and skin irritation. Though some insect bites can transmit diseases and infections which if left untreated can be fatal. The picture for this posting was taken in the Airport in the Philipinnes, it is a warning about Zika in the area and symptoms to be aware of in case of infection.
Protect Yourself from Mosquitoes!
Before traveling it's important to take the necessary precautions to prevent insect bites and the diseases they carry. Places like Africa, Asia, South and Central America are some of the most beautiful places in the world. But they are also home for some of the most threatening illnesses and diseases. Its important to research your destination and take proper precautions!
There are vaccines that can protect from acquiring insect-borne diseases like Dengue Fever, Sand Fly Fever, West Nile Virus, Leishmaniasis, and Malaria. These are often transmitted through the bite of tiny mosquitoes. Still, not all mosquito-borne diseases such as Zika Virus can be prevented with a vaccine. While most mosquitoes will bite during dusk and dawn there are other insects that carry Zika virus, Yellow Fever, and Dengue Fever that will bite during the day as well. But even if you have had a protective vaccine, there are other measures you should take to avoid being bitten.
What to Do?
Cover Up! Wear long sleeves, light and loose-fitting clothes as this makes it easier to detect mosquitoes and other tiny bugs.® Insect Repellent Clothing is a perfect solution! Full coverage apparel with built-in insect repellent!
Use Repellent! Use repellent containing less than 35% DEET (diethyltoluamide) and apply it after sunscreen.® Insect Repellent Clothing provides odorless and invisible repellent coverage that also blocks 98% of harmful UV sunrays!
Tips for Mosquito Bites
- Buy permethrin-treated clothing and gear such as® hoodies, pants, mosquito nets, blankets, socks and other gear treated with permenthrin. It will provide better protection against insect bites and is recommended by both the WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC (Center for Disease Control).
-® Clothing treated with Permethrin lasts up to 70 washings without losing effectiveness and can be worn by the entire family, no restriction for use!
- Emptying standing water in containers such as flowerpots and buckets will lessen the number of mosquitoes
- Using insect repellent is effective and recommeneded for any exposed skin areas
- Mosquito nets should be used if available and always be used on children under the age of 2.® offers Standard Nets as well as Nets designed for strollers and cribs.
DEET and Permethrin repellents as well as bed nets should be purchased before travel and can be found in camping, sporting goods, and travel clinics. Many travelers are putting themselves at risk for contracting insect diseases when they don’t research current diseases before traveling. You should always be prepared and plan ahead. Take insect repellent products when going on a trip. Even though the risk of getting an insect-borne disease is low you can minimize the risk by taking the necessary precaution. Make your trip memorable, in a good way!